World Birding Trips

Broad-leaved Helleborine var. purpurea and var. chlorantha, 9 & 10 August 2019

The orchid season that just keeps giving! Normally by this time of year the orchid season is drawing to a close. It's been an unprecedented year for me in terms of recognised variations. Maybe it's because we're all starting to look more closely at individual plants as well as it being a good year but this weekend I've managed to get some nice views of 2 more variations of Broad-leaved Helleborine - var. purpurea and var. chlorantha. Both were growing within 100 meters of each other at Gunton Wood on the northern side of Lowestoft. It took 2 visits to see them armed with directions from friends. The 'purpurea' there is a very small and inconsicuous plant but close up it's a gorgeous looking thing. The 'chlorantha' is a bit bigger but rather subtle and from a distance the inside of the hypochile looks the usual dirty brown colour. Only on close inpsection could it be seen to be green. This is one of the clinching id features for this variation.

A walk to the beach at Gunton Warren on the Friday revealed some nice Sea Holly and Sheeps-bit.

At Southwold on Saturday an adult Yellow-legged Gull was on the boating lake where many Sand Martins were also feeding. There was a noticable steady passage of Swifts going south.

Broad-leaved Helleborine var. purpurea

Broad-leaved Helleborine var. chlorantha

Sea Holly


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