World Birding Trips

The Thelmelthorpe Loop, Marriotts Way, 3 November 2019

After some 'holiday' shopping in Go Outdoors Belinda and I drove out to Reepham for a long walk along the Marriotts Way. Parking in the Market Place we ventured out to Reepham Station and then walked the whole of the Thelmelthorpe Loop back to Whitwell Station and through the lanes back to the start. 12km in all so a good bit of exercise.

Along the way my eye was drawn to fungi as usual but only generally the bigger ones as we were predominantly walking. Hundreds of Clouded Agaric and Wood Blewits were obvious and I was very pleased to find a couple of huge Giant Puffballs and a troop of Giant Funnels close to Whitwell. A few Death Cap were also noted as was a distictive Cholorphyllum burunneum (a close relative of Shaggy Parasol but squatter with larger and redder scales).

A couple of single Fieldfares were seen and also at least 2 Badger setts which looked to have fresh digging. We have vowed to return one evening to see if if we can catch a glimpse!

Giant Funnel

Giant Puffball

Chlorophyllum brunneum

    Wood Blewit

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