World Birding Trips

Stuff around Pulham Market, 17 April 2020

As the current lockdown enters its 4th week I have continued to stay local and will do so until it's safe to do otherwise.

Spring migrants have been slow arriving but a Common Whitethroat on 15th followed by Lesser Whitethroat on 16th were hopefully the start of things locally. 2 House Martins were investigating the gable on the front of Harford Bridges Tesco on 16th when I had to go and get shopping for my elderly parents. The only other local avian addition were 2 Mistle Thrushes on the edge of the village on 14th. My 'Apocolist' remains rooted on 40

Plantwise I spent some time photographing the local common wildflowers and making a trail/quiz for the grandgirlies to do with Naomi which they should enjoy. While walking I also discovered a big patch of Hidcote Comfrey along the field path beside the old Pulham Workhouse and along Guildhall Lane a single flowering plant of Hedgerow Cranesbill, both new plants for me.  A patch of Coltsfoot on disturbed ground in Beck Close was also pleasing.

I managed to get a couple of decent butterfly pics with my phone too - female Orange Tip and my first Speckled Wood of the Year on 16th. A mass of spiderlings of unknown species were in the front garden yesterday too.

Hedgerow Cranesbill

Hidcote Comfrey


Orange Tip (female)

    Speckled Wood

 Spiderlings - unknown sp

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