World Birding Trips

The Upper Tas Valley, 25 April 2020

A combined essential grocery shopping trip and a local nature walk in the Upper Tas Valley today.

Yesterday Matt Shore had the fantastic find of a Large Tortoiseshell by a footpath in the upper reaches of the Tas Valley and as it was very close to my shopping destination of Long Stratton I popped along for a look. I found the spot easily thanks to some excellent directions but sadly a 2 hour search didn't reveal the butterfly. Large Tortoiseshell is a species I saw back in 2001 at Landguard and again, tantalisingly briefly in Tyrrel's Wood about 3 weeks ago but it would have been nice to get a pic of another Norfolk one. The photo below is one of only 4 that Matt got yesterday.

The site was a pleasure to be at though and I 'yearticked' Willow Warbler and Large Red Damselfly. Having only seen 1 Red Admiral so far this year it was pleasing to see 2 or 3 today plus good numbers of Green-veined Whites. A pair of Bullfinches were seen several times and a Lesser Whitethroat was singing in the distance.

Large Tortoiseshell (copyright Matt Shore)

Willow Warblers

 Large Red Damselfly


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