World Birding Trips

A Few Sites in North Norfolk, 22 August 2020

We headed up to North Norfolk yesterday for a full day of walking and 'naturalising'

My main aim for the day was to see the gorgeous Grass-of-Parnasus and with some good directions from 'Mr Beeston Common' Mark Clements I was able to find plenty and easily on the common. Into the bargain I also located loads of Eyebright, Canadian Goldenrod, Goldenrod (a scarce Norfolk plant), Common Hop, Red Bartsia and Corn Mint as well as a plethora of Water Mint, Common Fleabane and Woodland Germander. We finished our visit of the site with a nice walk through Sheringwood where a calling Firecrest was noted.

Canadian Goldenrod
Corn Mint
Red Bartsia

A lunch stop at Walsey Hills and a look at Snipes Marsh was rewarding with the strange Whistling Duck hybrid thing, 2 Little Grebes, 1 Wood Sandpiper, 3 Green Sandpipers and 1 Common Sandpiper. A pity I didn't have my big lens with me!

 Whistling Duck hybrid

With reports of 44 Spoonbills at Stiffkey Fen I persuaded Belinda our next was should be there and lo and behold I counted exactly 44! Apart from Black-tailed Godwits the waders were too distant for just bins but a short walk along the seawall gave me Sea Wormwood (a new plant for me), Sea Aster (of the yellow form), Sea Lavender and lots of Glasswort (aka Samphire)


Sea Wormwood

Warham Camp beckoned next and here I still found quite a few Chalkhill Blues including a very pleasing aberration 'obsoleta' completely lacking 3 hindwing spots. A single Painted Lady was along the entrance path, a Swift over and when I looked in the right place no shortage of Autumn Gentians amongst the Devils Bit Scabious, Dwarf Thistle, Field Scabious, Carline Thistle and Large Wild Thyme.

Chalkhill Blue ab 'obsoleta'

Chalkhill Blues
 Autumn Gentian

As we headed back towards Holt a brief stop was made in Binham. At the priory plenty of naturalised Wallflowers were on the ancient walls, as was Ladies Bedstraw and Pellitory-of-the-Wall and a pint in the Chequers also showed well - briefly!

We finished in Holt with just 3 Autumn Ladies Tresses surviving on the usual lawn at Greshams. I do wonder how much longer we will be able to call them a Norfolk orchid.

  Autumn Ladies Tresses


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