World Birding Trips

North Cove NR and Carlton Marshes, 4 April 2021

An afternoon to myself so after a little research I headed off to North Cove NR for my first visit there. A certain plant was my target and despite finding out their location around the 'Decoy Pond' I was very pleasantly surprised to find patches on both sides of the path only 5 yards in from the reserve entrance. I am talking about the snappily-named Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage. Doesn't that just trip off the tongue! I did a whole circuit of the paths in this delightful little reserve enjoying singing Blackcap, Brimstone and finding loads more OLGS plus Fool's Water-cress and Common Duckweed in ditches. A nice patch of Scarlet Elf-cups was, as always, lovely to see.

With plenty of time in hand I spent the rest of the afternoon on a mega long walk around the new and extended Carlton Marshes. Easter Sunday and sun meant the carpark was rammed but when out on the marsh I quickly lost most people. Until I reached Peto's Marsh all I had to show for my efforts were a squealing Water Rail, Comma, Peacocks, Small Tortoiseshell and Small White. Reaching the furthest hide - North Hide I was greeted with a singing Sedge Warbler and after ages scanning the pools and scrapes eventually located a flying Garganey and then a pair swam into view. Also there was a Greenshank, several Redshank, 2 Great White Egrets still good numbers of Pintail and Wigeon plus Bearded Tits and 6 Chinese Water Deer

                                                                                                              Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage
                                                                                                                                           Scarlet Elf-cup
                                                                                                                                          North Cove NR
                                                                                                                                       Fool's Water-cress

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