World Birding Trips

Dickleburgh Moor again! 10 September 2021

A quick hour down at the moor with Meg on Friday evening. She wanted to see the Nodding Bur-marigolds which was the main aim but we also found some other plants of interest with Red Goosefoot, Treacle Mustard and Corn Mint being good additions to the reserve list. One Golden Dock plant was still in good nick and there was still plenty of Fine-leaved Water Dropwort.

A scan of the reserve also revealed 2 juv Little Stints, Dunlin, Greenshank, Ringed Plover, 4 Ruff, c15 Snipe and a juv Water Rail which was a new reserve species for me. Singles of Stock Dove and Little Egret were also seen.

                                                                                                                                         Red Goosefoot
                                                                                                                                Treacle Mustard

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