World Birding Trips

Allseed and Chaffweed, the tiniest plants known to man!

I headed for Racecourse Plantation near Thorpe End on the east side of Norwich on Friday armed with a grid reference for the only Norfolk site for both Allseed and Chaffweed. 

Little did I know how small these plants actually are and after an age on my knees in the mud I had found a few Allseed plants but not my other target. I retired back to my van for lunch and then decided to take another look. Eventually I found just 1 Chaffweed plant only 3 meters away from the other plants - phew! Bearing in mind just how hard these are to find I do wonder if they lurk undetected elsewhere. 

Whilst there my first 4 Redwings of the autumn passed over and I found a Mottled Bolete, the huge hoverfly Sericomyia silentis and another new plant for me Yellow Sedge

Chaffweed brought up my 900th UK plant so was well worth all the effort!


                                                                                                                                     Yellow Sedge
                                                                                                                                    Sericomyia silentis
                                                                                                                                       Mottled Bolete

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