World Birding Trips

Giant Orchids in Oxfordshire! 29 March 2022

This spot on my blog timeline has been bookmarked for a couple of weeks and saved for a rather special post. 

The site must remain secret as I have made promises but a fortnight ago I made a day trip down into Oxfordshire to pay homage to a new British orchid - the hugely impressive Giant Orchid. The origins of these plants is interesting. Some 15 - 20 years ago (stories differ as to exactly how long ago) seed was scattered here and up they popped soon afterwards. They then died out and haven't been seen for many a long year. Until this year of course when 9 flowering plants and several more non-flowering specimens emerged and were luckily spotted by a local who knew what they were. Presumably long-dormant seed had found the right conditions to germinate. Unless they have flowered in the intervening years and gone unnoticed that is. Anyway, it was a real joy to be able to see them. The sensitivity of the site and an empassioned plea not to go 'off piste' meant I saw 4 plants without causing any potential damage. Indeed, apart from 2 passers by I was the only one there. 

I relocated to a site near Charlbury as I wound my way home and beside the River Evenlode found another much wanted plant - the ghostly pallid Toothwort. Alongside were several specimens of the the scarce Yellow Star of Bethlehem

                                                                                                                                     Giant Orchids


                                                                                                                         Yellow Star of Bethlehem



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