World Birding Trips

Glossy Ibis on Bowthorpe Marsh and a visit to Dickleburgh Moor, 24 March 2022

A Glossy Ibis has been hanging around Bowthorpe Marsh for a few days and being a Norwich area tick for me I poodled along there this morning. After a short search I found it feeding on the south side of the Yare at the far eastern end of the marsh. It gave some nice views in very good light, showing off it's glossyness! A Little Egret was also knocking about while I was further entertained. Earlier an 'off the lead' dog had tried to jump up me and a I had to have firm words with the owner to prevent it doing so and covering me with mud. A few minutes later that dog was attacked by another dog (also off it's lead) to the hysterical screams of it's female owner. Karma is a wonderful thing for sure, especially as she was still crying in the carpark a while later!

In the woods by the carpark it would have been a shame not to pay the Purple Toothwort another visit. This time a Garden Bumblebee was visiting this early nectar source. Bullfinch, Greenfinch and Great Spotted Woodpecker were also in the wood and Chiffchaffs were singing all over.

Back closer to home I popped in to Dickleburgh Moor where 3 Little Ringed Plovers equalled my earliest date for the species. 5 Snipe, 2 pairs of Gadwall and a single Little Egret were also present but a Dunlin I'd seen the previous evening had departed.

                                                                                                                                         Glossy Ibis

                                                                                                Purple Toothwort and Garden Bumblebee


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