World Birding Trips

Turner's Oak and a strange Comfrey sp

This weekend has been a quiet one but a walk around Mousehold from Mum and Dad's on Friday had me looking at a rather strange oak growing by the capark at Zaks opposite the Fountain Ground. What caught my eye was that it was in full leaf despite no other trees being any where near that advanced yet. It turns out to be a specimen of the rare Turner's Oak, a hybrid between Common Oak and Holm Oak which explains it's almost evergreen nature. Earlier in the day a singing Chiffchaff in the garden was early and a most welcome sign of spring.

A long walk around the Metfield area on Saturday revealed a flock of c250 Fieldfares with a few intermingled Redwings, singing Song Thrush and Bullfinch. Along the Fressingfield Road south of Metfield my eye was drawn to an attractive comfrey in flower on the verge. It was very low-growing with delicate long pale blue and white flowers. Closer examination revealed that it had 'runners' and was growing as a matt covering the ground. I also had hairy heart-shaped leaves. Being in full flower so early was also a good indicator that this was Creeping Comfrey, a new species for me! 

Update - following some Twitter discussions however I have been informed that this comfrey is actually Hidcote Comfrey but my record of Creeping Comfrey has been accepted on iRecord by the county rcorder. I'm confused! Needless to say Creeping Comfrey will be staying off my list for the time being.

                                                                                                                                    Turner's Oak

                                                                                                                                 Hidcote Comfrey

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