World Birding Trips

Snowdrops etc in NE Suffolk, 11 February 2023

A dull and uninspiring day was birightened up by a visit to a churchyard where 3 different species of snowdrop occur within a few yards of each other. These are Greater Snowdrop, Green Snowdrop and Common Snowdrop. While fudging around I also found a good number of variations in this rather mind-boggling genus! One particularly yellow plant was close to the fabled 'Norfolk Blonde' variety. Plenty of Winter Aconites were there too to add a splash of colour.

After that we went for a walk at North Cove doing a good circuit. A Marsh Tit showed beautifully near Woodland Hide in North Cove NR (no camera!), a few Siskins were in the Alders and we also found Scarlet Elfcup and Cramp Balls

                                                                                                                            Green Snowdrop

                                                                                                                             Greater Snowdrops
                                                                                                                  Common Snowdrop variations

                                                                                                                                Scarlet Elfcup
                                                                                                                                 Cramp Balls

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