World Birding Trips

NE India, Day 13, 19 March 2023 - Sessa and Rupa

We started making our way up into the Himalayan foothills today with our new guide Lobsang. Our final destination being the town of Tenga. On the way we did a fair bit of birding along various stretches of the NH13 road near to Sessa. The weather wasn't great with rain and low cloud but we did manage a few goodies en-route - a Crested Goshawk and a pair of Slaty-bellied Tesia which were chasing each other about plus 3 Grey-chinned Minivets, 2 White-throated Fantails, Long-tailed Sibia, 2 Yellow-bellied Warblers, a Hoopoe, Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch, Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Fantail, Little Pied Flycatcher and 4 stunning Silver-eared Mesias. Best of all (but certainly not in the looks department!) was a Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler - a new bird.


Passing through the military town of Tenga we proceeded to the next village of Rupa and stopped on the large bridge spanning the river there. We hit a real purple patch in the improving weather. We were watching White-capped Water Redstart and Plumbeous Water Redstart when I got onto a Brown Dipper. Then, down below the bridge on the river bank a wader flew in that was the major speciality of the area/habitat - Long-billed Plover. Like an LRP on steroids it went on to show really well on a shingle island. A River Lapwing there did the same. Then, while answering a call of nature I found a stonking male Hodgson's Redstart which despite my predicament I managed to get a nice shot of! A pair of Black-throated Prinias showed nicely by the roadside there too. Moving slightly to further along the river we began a short walk seeing a female Pygmy Blue Flycatcher and Blue Whistling Thrush before we got to a large cliff - and lo and behold a Wallcreeper! Graham in particular wanted to see one and he was dancing for joy. 


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