World Birding Trips

Broome Heath and environs, 13 August 2023

Our Sunday excursion was to Broome and a circular walk taking in the old railway line/cycle path and Broome Heath & Pits.

Along the cycle path I was chuffed to find Common Calamint growing beside the path in several spots, a plant I don't encounter very often. The pale pink form of Purple Loosestrife followed as a pavement weed before we got onto the heath. In one spot by some waterside willows were several Blushing Milkcaps, Death Caps and a red russula sp that Jeremy has since taken a sample of to try to id! Then, while having a rest on a nearby bench I spotted an attractive purple salvia sp growing nearby. This has turned out to be Salvia gregii, Amethyst Lips, a clear garden escape but with no gardens anywhere near probably planted or from errant seed! A white form of Musk Mallow and some Harebells completed things.  

                                                                                                                      Salvia gregii, Amethyst Lips

                                                                                                                             Common Calamint
                                                                                                                                   Purple Loosestrife

                                                                                                                                  Blushing Milkcap

                                                                                                                              Russula sp
                                                                                                                              Death Cap
                                                                                                                               Musk Mallow

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