World Birding Trips

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In the last few days there have been a few local bits and bobs of interest.

On Monday 16 October winter thrush migration was underway with Redwings and Fieldfares much in evidence over the village. On a walk along Mill Lane I also encountered c5 Yellowhammers and c20 Meadow Pipits while a curious dark brown clump of fungi in a driveway on Mill Lane proved to be Clustered Domecap, a new one for me.

On Wednesday 18 October a walk along the woods and meadows between the 2 Pulhams revealed a fantastic orange Shaggy Bracket on a doomed Ash and a Hornet nest that had completely engulfed a bird box! Nearby a verge full of flowering Marjoram was a strange unseasonal sight.

Thursday 19 October saw me make a quick visit to Smockmill Common to 'twitch' a lovely Wrinkled Peach fungi found by Cee Cook. 

                                                                                                                            Clustered Domecap
                                                                                                                                 Hornet nest

                                                                                                                           Shaggy Bracket
                                                                                                                              Wrinkled Peach

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