World Birding Trips

Bank holiday bugs, 4 May 2024

A further mooch around the garden followed by visits to Dickleburgh Moor and Billingford Common in search of insects etc.

My garden in Pulham Market continues to produce good things and Hawthorn Mining Bee was the latest new find together with a couple of new hoverflies - Xylota segnis and Platycheirus albimanus. All 3 were on the same sunny bush in the front garden that seems to attract more than it's fair share. 

                                                                                                                         Hawthorn Mining Bee
                                                                                                                                Xylota segnis
                                                                                                                         Platycheirus albimanus

After lunch I then headed out to Dickleburgh Moor but found that most of the vegetation is far too low to successfully use my sweep net. Luckily the area around the carpark was a bit better and after finding one of the Little Ringed Plovers for some visiting birders I set about seeing what I could find. A couple of Thistle Tortoise Beetles, 24-Spot Ladybird and the wetland loving Sepedon sphegea preceeded the unusual find of a new ladybird for me - the absolutely tiny Pointed-keeled Rhyzobius, Rhyzobius litura.

                                                                                                                           Thistle Tortoise Beetle
                                                                                                                                Sepedon sphegea
                                                                                                                       Pointed-keeled Rhyzobius

With time to spare I then decided to head a bit further on to explore Billingford Common. Having a look at both the dry grassland near the mill and the marshy section gave me a few impressive beasties including Furrow Orbweaver, Long-jawed Orb-web Spider, Burrowing Shieldbug, loads of Crucifer Shieldbugs, the tortoise beetle Cassida vibex and Amara familaris. The walls of the mill itself had several Red Mason Bees inspecting the holes in the brickwork.  

                                                                                                                                Cassida vibex
                                                                                                                            Crucifer Shieldbugs
                                                                                                                     Long-jawed Orb-web Spider
                                                                                                                          Furrow Orbweaver
                                                                                                                               Burrowing Shieldbug
                                                                                                                               Red Mason Bee
                                                                                                                            Amara familiaris

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