World Birding Trips

Bath Hills/Earsham, 22 June 2024

A warm circular walk from Earsham via Bath Hills, Outney and Bungay Marshes. 

A few insects of note were seen including the very small but wonderfully named Fairy-ring Longhorn Beetle, the click beetle Agrypnus murinus and Slender-bodied Digger Wasp, Crabo cribrarius - all nectaring on umbellifers along the lane to Bath Hills. Banded Demoiselles were everywhere together with Black-tailed Skimmers, 2 Norfolk Hawkers on Outney Marshes and my first Emerald Damselfly of the year. A couple of Pyramidal Orchids were beside the path on Bungay Marshes and a cluster of Common Broomrape at Bath Hills

                                                                                                                    Fairy-ring Longhorn Beetle
                                                                                                                    Slender-bodied Digger Wasp
                                                                                                                               Agrypnus murinus
                                                                                                                       Common Broomrape
                                                                                                                             Pyramidal Orchid

Back at home later in the afternoon the garden list was boosted with the addition of the parasitic wasp Cryptus armator, the flower beetle Deraocoris flavilinia and Yellow-spot Yarrow Moth (aka Common Drill Moth) plus another Thick-legged Hoverfly

                                                                                                                               Cryptus armator
                                                                                                                      Yellow-spot Yarrow Moth
                                                                                                                           Deraocoris flavilinia

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