World Birding Trips

Orfordness, Suffolk, 2 June 2024

I've long wanted to get out onto Orfordness so we used our NT membership to book cut-price boat tickets to do just that.

A Turtle Dove flushed fom the verge near Laxfield on the way was a good start to the day. Being close to the known site of Chippenhall Green I suspect it was a wanderer from there. 

While loitering around Orford Quay drinking coffee and waiting for our boat Cuckoo and Cetti's Warbler were both singing. Once on the island it became obvious that Green Hairstreaks, Cream-spot Tiger Moths, Garden Tiger Moths and Brown-tail Moths (just caterpillars of the latter 2) were pretty common. Birdwise I year-ticked Wheatear (at last!) while Common Whitethroats were singing all over the place.

Around Orford Castle Wild Clary was aplenty as was Greater Sea Spurrey on the saltmarsh fragments.

A call in at Winks Meadow on the way home for Frog Orchid was a success!  

                                                                                                                                Green Hairstreak

                                                                                                                            Cream-spot Tiger Moth
                                                                                                                  Garden Tiger Moth caterpillar
                                                                                                                       Brown-tail Moth caterpillar
                                                                                                                          Greater Sea Spurrey
                                                                                                                                  Wild Clary

                                                                                                                            Frog Orchids

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