World Birding Trips

Local bits and bobs

A catch up on some local stuff over the weekend before health issues buggered things up!

Friday saw Belinda and I in Diss briefly before a good walk in the sun around Wortham Ling. The reason for the stop in Diss was a curious duck that has taken up residence on the Mere. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions from the photo below but it looks have have either or both White-cheeked Pintail and Yellow-billed Pintail in it. Also on the wooden fencing at the Mere were several Red-belted Bracket specimens bursting out - the most I’ve ever seen there. 

Wortham Ling itself was quiet but I did record Clouded Funnel, Trooping Funnel, Tawny Funnel and Wood Blewit.

Then, on Saturday after visiting my Mum we called in to Jeremy’s at his kind invite to see a scarce fungi that was occupying a plant pot he’d bought at Natural Surroundings. These were Wrinkled Conecap, Pholiotina rugosa, only the 5th county record according to the Norfolk Mycota. 

                                                                                                    Definitely maybe White-cheeked Pintail

                                                                                                                             Red-belted Bracket
                                                                                                                        Wood Blewit

                                                                                                                       Wrinkled Conecap

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