World Birding Trips

Sheringham area - orchids and bugs. 20 July 2013

A weekend of walking in the Sheringham area with a night at the North Norfolk Railway beer festival thrown in!
We were mainly intent on getting some walking miles under our belts but here are a selection of photos taken on our wanderings. The first Essex Skipper of the year and a big emergence of Gatekeepers plus 3 more bumblebee species photographed - Common Carder Bee, Red-tailed and White-tailed Bumblebees. Beeston Common also had an impressive display of Marsh Fragrant Orchids, Marsh Helleborine, Common Spotted Orchids and Heath Spotted Orchid. The only bird of note was an adult summer Mediterranean Gull west along West Runton Beach.

 Essex Skipper 


Common Carder Bee

Red-tailed Bumblebee

White-tailed Bumblebee

Marsh Helleborine

Marsh Fragrant Orchid


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