World Birding Trips

Yorkshire Dales, 1 - 4 August 2013

Nothing too mind-blowing to report from a nice long weekend walking in the Yorkshire Dales but a few bits and pieces nonetheless. A Red Kite over the A1 near Leeds on the way was unexpected but the national park itself didn't reveal anything out of the ordinary - 2 Common Redstarts, 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 50+ Northern Wheatears (many fledged family parties), 2 Dippers, c8 Grey Wagtails, 2 Common Buzzards, 11 Goosander (all on the River Wharfe), 2 Nuthatches and the odd Willow Warbler still singing.

Odonata of interest were c10 Dark Green Fritillaries still out in the Malham Cove area, loads of Small Heaths and Common Blues and the odd Common Hawker. Two new bees were positively identified - Large Carder Bee (Bombus muscorum) and Wool Carder Bee (Anthidium manicatum)

Large Carder Bee (Bombus muscorum)


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