World Birding Trips

Gipping Valley, Suffolk, 23 October 2016

An afternoon poodle out to the River Gipping near Needham Market today to see the Black-bellied Dipper of the previous couple of days. After phaffing about for a bit due to some misleading directions I eventually got to the right spot just downstream of Hawkes Mill and enjoyed some truly amazing views. The bird fed actively on sticklebacks on the near bank completely oblivious to its admirers clicking away. Also along the river upstream of the mill were Kingfisher, Grey Wagtail and Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Next I decided to check the area around Pipp's Ford a little south along the same valley. A newish scrape here held 2 Green Sandpipers, 2 Little Grebes, c30 Linnets and another fly-past Grey Wagtail before I walked south along the river bank. After a couple of Common Buzzards, Bullfinch, Redwings, Song Thrushes and Mistle Thrush I turned round to walk back and the reported Great White Egret flew over the river in front of me and was lost to view behind a big willow.

On the drive home c200 Golden Plovers flew east over the A140 at Tivetshall.


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