World Birding Trips

Isabelline Wheatear in Norfolk - finally! Burnham Overy Dunes, 22 October 2016

We've been waiting for a Norfolk Isabelline Wheatear for a long long time but they all come in the end! After 4 in Suffolk and an old spring record which many regard as dodgy it was about time.

A text from Justin while I was still in bed this morning was followed by a dash up to the coast in my van and a sweaty anxious walk out to the dunes near Gun Hill. Amazingly the crowd were looking at a Pallas's Warbler when I got there so I had to re-find the Isabelline Wheatear myself. Luckily it wasn't too hard and I was treated to some great views on the top of the dunes with the bird having a Northern Wheatear for company.

After a good look and a chat I ventured into the dunes on the west side of Gun Hill but could only find a Chiffchaff and a few Redwings but just as I was walking away 2 Waxwings flew over calling and headed inland.

On the more leisurely walk back I scanned a flock of Brent Geese and picked up a Black Brant hybrid plus 5 Fieldfares an amazing total of 19 Grey Partridges. Other than that there were a few Pink-footed Geese and a single Little Egret.

Isabelline Wheatear

Black Brant hybrid

 Grey Partridge    

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