World Birding Trips

Spring flowers and insects, 22 April 2018

Feeling a little jaded this morning we loafed around the garden as I emptied the moth trap after it's first outing of the year. Around the garden were 3 Holly Blues (the first of the year), Large White, Speckled Wood and Orange Tip while the trap yielded Yellow-barred Brindle, Streamer, Early Thorn, Early Grey, Powdered Quaker, Small Quaker, Clouded Drab and Hebrew Character.

This afternoon we had a leisurely stroll around Ashwellthorpe Wood where there were plenty of Early Purple Orchids in flower plus I noted Barren Strawberry among the huge numbers of Wood Anenome, Lesser Celandine, Dogs Mercury, Bluebells and Wild Garlic. Belinda drew my attention to several snails on tree trunks that turned out to be White-lipped Banded Snails. Butterflies included Comma, Peacock, Orange Tip, Green-veined White and Brimstone. 

A garden rarity in the form of 2 Mistle Thrushes rounded off a lazy day.

Early Thorn

Speckled Wood

White-lipped Banded Snail

Barren Strawberry

Early Purple Orchids

 Orange Tip, female

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