World Birding Trips

The orchid season begins...21 April 2018

A quick wander around Tyrrel's Wood this afternoon after having to work on a Saturday morning!
We made our way to the only spot in the wood where Early Purple Orchid occurs to find just 2 plants in flower, a few more were in bud but most were still just rosettes. It was nice to kick the orchid season off as I anticipate a trip to Scotland in June for a few new ones.
Also around the wood were plenty of Common Dog Violets, a few Early Dog Violets and a couple of patches of Wood Sorrel. Birdwise there was a Chiffchaff with an odd song (chiff chaff chaff), Nuthatch and Blackcap plus my first Large White of the year.

A quick look at the roadside nature reserve just outside the wood was a bit too early for Sulphur Clover but there was an impressive clump of 'False Oxlip' (hybrid Cowslip x Primrose) 
In the garden at home we have 2 Blackcaps, 1 Chiffchaff plus today the first Orange Tips, Green-veined White, Bee-flys, Tree Bumblebee, and Tawny Mining Bees.

Early Purple Orchid

Early Purple Orchid rosette

Early Dog Violet

Wood Sorrel

  And she says she's not into orchids!

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