World Birding Trips

Three walks - Hardley Flood, Rockland and Surlingham, 15 April 2018

Continuing the walking theme of the weekend we did 3 shorter ones today.

Starting at Hardley Flood this proved to be the highlight with 13 Little Gulls, 1 Arctic Tern and 2 Common Terns gracing the flood. All but one of the Little Gulls were adults most sporting full hoods and lovely pink underparts. Also there were a single Sedge Warbler, Water Rail, Common Buzzard, 2 Shelduck, c40 Sand Martins and a distant singing Willow Warbler on the other side of the River Chet. Then, on the walk back a single Swallow flew over - at last! 3 lingering Redwings were at Langley Abbey on the way past.

Next up was a walk from Rockland Staithe down to the broad to have our lunch. The broad itself was very disappointing but c8 Willow Warblers, 2 Sedge Warblers and 4 Cetti's Warblers were in song and a male Marsh Harrier was very close. I also found a small patch of Few-flowered Garlic, a new plant for me.

Lastly we did a lap of Surlingham Church Marsh. Again it was pretty quiet with c4 Willow Warblers, 1 Sedge Warbler, 1 Lesser Whitethroat and 2 Swallows being about it. We also paid homage to Ted Ellis's grave at the ruins of St Saviours Church.

Yearlist = 188

Few-flowered Garlic

       Ted Ellis's grave at the ruins of St Saviours Church, Surlingham

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