World Birding Trips

Early Purple Orchids in all their glory, 25 April 2019

I ventured down into darkest Suffolk today to check out a population of Early Purple Orchids I've not seen before. I found them in the ancient woodland rather easily and wow, there were big numbers. But the most interesting aspect of this population is the variety. I'm used to seeing fairly standard purple ones but these were something else! A huge variety of weird and wonderful specimens. I'll let the photos below do the talking. Into the bargain there we plenty of Oxlips, Wood Anenomes, Early Dog Violets, Greater Stitchwort and a couple of what I'm pretty sure are Spanish Bluebells. Birdwise a Garden Warbler was my first of the year and I also had Lesser Whitethroat, Common Whitethroat, Nuthatch and Mistle Thrush.

On the way home I popped into Mellis Common where the Green-winged Orchids are struggling in this late spring. I found just single figures and all were pretty stunted.

Early Purple Orchids

Spanish Bluebell


Greater Stitchwort

  Green-winged Orchids

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