World Birding Trips

Iberian Chiffchaff in Lowestoft, 22 April 2019

Despite feeling rather rough I dragged myself out to Lowestoft late morning for this little pyllosc. The bank holiday traffic was surprisingly light through Oulton Broad and I was quickly parking up by the Denes Oval. And while still by the seawall I could hear the Iberian Chiffchaff singing even though it was on the inland side of the oval! A great find by Rob Wilton it showed very nicely on and off in sycamores and was singing almost constantly. After I'd had my fill I wandered into the scrub on North Denes where a singing Common Whitethroat was my first of the year and a Dock Bug was a new shieldbug sp for me.

Iberian Chiffchaff

Common Whitethroat

 Dock Bug

With time on my side I opted to make a detour on the way home and spend some time at Herringfleet Marshes. It was a lovely relaxed sunny couple of hours with a fly-over Yellow Wagtail, plenty of singing Sedge Warblers, more Reed Buntings than I've ever seen (c40!), Greenshank and Green Sandpiper all south of the mill. Walking further north past the mill I found the long-staying Green-winged Teal plus a Water Pipit and a Reed Warbler was singing.

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