World Birding Trips

Snowy Weybread, 10 February 2021

A slight detour whilst in Harleston shopping for work supplies. 

A quick look at Ocean Pit from the road was notable for large numbers of Tufted Duck, a few Wigeon and 3 Shoveler. With the gate locked I opted to cross the road and walk the circuit around No.1 pit. Despite the path being flooded in several places I managed to wade through some snow drifts as deep as 3 feet and did the loop. Most of the interest was on the meadows between the pit and the river with a nice adult Yellow-legged Gull, 5 Snipe, several Redwings, 1 Fieldfare and 2 Song Thrushes enjoying a frost-free area. A single Little Egret was along the river. The pit itself had c25 Cormorants but little else of note. 

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