World Birding Trips

Winter one day, spring the next! 14 & 15 February 2021

On Sunday Belinda and I did a Valentine's Day walk from home and out into the South Norfolk tundra! It was to prove to be our last chance to walk on frozen ground. Doing a bitterly cold loop to Tivetshall and back I joined the 'Woodcock Club' at last with 4 seen. Initially I flushed 3 out of a ditch just outside the village and then had another in lengthy flight over fields between the A140 and Tivetshall. Also around the walk were a herd of 5 Roe Deer, 2 Brown Hares, Mistle Thrush and a scattering of winter thrushes. A female Bullfinch was in the hedge out the front of the house and with a few Fieldfares having been driven into gardens by the harsh weather I spent some time photographing some just along the road from home. While doing so a single Lapwing flew over making it as no.55 on the 'apocolist'.

Fast forward to today and a big thaw with temperatures up to 10c! After working nearby I ventured into Homersfield and had a very pleasant stroll along the lane below the church scanning a very flooded Waveney Valley. The 9 White-fronted Geese of yesterday were still present together with 2 Great White Egrets, hundreds of Common Gulls and a calling Nuthatch. It was a joy to be out in the spring-like temperatures. 


                                                                                                            Waveney Valley at Homersfield

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