World Birding Trips

Sweetbriar Marshes and Earlham, 5 October 2022

A free day and I was at a bit of a loose end so decided on a wander around Sweetbriar Marshes and to see if I could see the impressive fungus Perenniporia fraxinea which Jeremy Bartlett had found recently.

A Red Kite low over the Pulham roundabout on the A140 got the day off to a nice start.

Finding the fungus on the base of a large willow by the footbridge over the river was easy so I then had a walk and explore of the area. It seems like a very poor year for fungi but I did find a nice Rooting Shank by the path. Late flowering plants included Marsh Woundwort, Water Chickweed and Canadian Goldenrod. A Kingfisher was along the river and Nuthatch, Jay and Green Woodpecker were also recorded before I left.

Just a short walk away is Earlham Cemetery so I ambled there next. Hoping for some more fungi I was disappointed so headed to Ian Senior's house around the corner to look at some painting work he wants done. Before I got there I stooped to photograph some Annual Wall Rocket on the pavement and Vanna Bartlett appeared from nowhere and very kindly offered to show me a rather special spider Green Meshweb Spider, Nigma walckenaeri in the cemetery. We found it without too much problem as Vanna had them pinned down to the ivy on a specific tree! About 5 were seen of both sexes. Saying goodbye to Vanna I then made it to Ian's where he showed me some nice Common Birdsnest Fungus in his garden.

A brief stop at Tyrrels Wood when nearly home was generally disappointing for fungi (presumably because of the hot and dry summer) but I did find Firerug Inkcap on a burnt log which was new to me plus False Deathcap and an interesting lichen which turns out to be Tufted Bush Lichen.     

                                                                                                                           Green Meshweb Spider
                                                                                                                       Common Birdsnest Fungus
                                                                                                                                Perenniporia fraxinea

                                                                                                                                  Rooting Shank
                                                                                                                                  Marsh Woundwort
                                                                                                                               Canadian Goldenrod
                                                                                                                             Annual Wall Rocket
                                                                                                                                  Firerug Inkcap
                                                                                                                                Tufted Bush Lichen

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