World Birding Trips

Walberswick/Southwold walk, 2 October 2022

As we'd not been to the coast for a while we made our Sunday afternoon walk one taking in Walberswick and Southwold for some much needed mileage in the legs.

The walk wasn't without it's highlights even if it wasn't spectacular. A group of 4 Woodlark were in the stubble field opposite Eastwoodlodge Farm inland of Walberswick and beside the path near the pontoon bridge were a couple of Dark Bush Crickets. At the harbour mouth on the Southwold side I was pleased to find a nice pale-headed 1w Caspian Gull amongst the gulls loafing on the concrete wall. Several brutish Greater Black-backed Gulls were also there and c15 Turnstone. Walking back on the Walberswick side 3 Redpoll sp flew over, 2-3 Bullfinches were in trackside bushes and a single Chiffchaff was on the edge of Westwood Marshes were the usual Bearded Tits were pinging about. 

                                                                                                                                  Dark Bush Cricket
                                                                                                                                        Caspian Gull

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