World Birding Trips

Minsmere, 29 March 2018

Spring still keeps us waiting! There was a distinct winter flavour to things at Minsmere today despite the sun and reasonably warm temperatures.
My main target for the day was Jack Snipe which has been seen from North Hide fairly regularly recently. It took me 2 attempts during the morning and earky afternoon but I eventually scored with some nice views of a bobbing and feeding bird which remained hidden/obscured most of the time. Also there were 5 Common Snipe, the 2 Smew (both redheads) are still lingering on and a Bittern boomed.
In between times a walk along the north wall and a visit to East Hide gave me Chinese Water Deer, c25 Mediterranean Gulls, a single Dunlin and 2 lovely close-up Black-tailed Godwits that simply had to be photographed!

5 Common Buzzards were up at Ellingham on the way home.

Yearlist = 166

Black-tailed Godwits


         Mediterranean Gulls

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