World Birding Trips

Spring migrants on a very un-springlike day! 28 March 2018

I was out and about doing chores and deliveries today so had the chance to pop into a couple of sites along the way.  Luckily both were doable from beside my van because it's been a filthy wet and cold day!
At the same site as last year a pair of Little Ringed Plovers were surprisingly elusive initially but soon gave in to some nice views first thing this morning.
Then, later on, I headed out to Bintree near Guist from Mum and Dad's. Here, in the picturesque surroundings of Bintree Mill the drake Garganey was quickly found on a flood beside the swollen Wensum albeit quite distantly. Also there I counted 22 Shoveler, c25 Wigeon and 2 Gadwall before retreating back into the dry!

Yearlist = 164

        Little Ringed Plovers

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