Inverts at Roydon Fen, 30 August 2024

After dropping Belinda off in Diss I has the opportunity for a quick visit to nearby Roydon Fen before picking her up again.

Initially it was very quiet but eventually I managed to winkle out a few inverts of interest. Top of the pops was a lovely Marbled Orbweb Spider found on a head of Wild Angelica. It also posed nicely for photos which is always nice, especially for a new species. The other real goodie was a much wanted new ladybird, a buffy Water Ladybird, spotted running across cut reed debris but unfortunately not stopping! Lined Spittlebug, Aphrophora major, Common Damsel Bug, Common Pume Moth, Common Carder Bee, Sitona suturalis and Common Furrow Bee were the other sightings of note.

                                                                                                                         Marbled Orbweb Spider
                                                                                                                                  Sitona suturalis
                                                                                                                                  Lined Spittlebug
                                                                                                                              Aphrophora major
                                                                                                                               Common Carder Bee
                                                                                                                             Common Furrow Bee
                                                                                                                           Common Plume Moth

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