More fungi - sorry!

Well, it is that time of year!

This post is a bit of a round up of sightings over the last few days from a variety of locations. 

On Wednesday 16th I was 'up city' doing various chores so took the oppotunity of a visit to the UEA campus where Jeremy had found a troop of probable Gymnopus obscuroides growing on woodchip near the Sportspark. Parking there is a nightmare so I slung my van in close by (and very illegally!) for a quick smash and grab raid. 

Then on Friday 18th before work I drove over to Wymondham Cemetery to see a very special fungus that is growing in a cluster around a single gravestone. This was the scarce and stunning Golden Bootleg, one I have wanted to see for some while. Very kindly the groundmen have strimmed around them unlike what usually happens in Earlham Cemetery. My grateful thanks once again to Jeremy and also to the late Eugene Hindley who hosts them at his final resting place!

On the way back from Wymondham I stopped for a quick 30 minute visit to Ashwellthorpe Wood. Concentrating on the area of Hornbeams along the southern side of the wood I found some nice bits and pieces. The highlights being The Miller and probable Cortinarius olidus, a striking yellow fungus which, if confirmed will be a first for Norfolk. 

In the evening I was also pleased to see that White Dapperling has popped up on our front lawn at home for the second year in a row. 

Yesterday, the 19th, while shopping I found Redled Roundhead and Scurfy Twiglet on woodchip in the carpark at Aldi on Hall Road in Norwich. Fungi are literally everywhere!

                                                                                                                                   Golden Bootleg

                                                                                                                probable Gymnopus obscuroides

                                                                                                                        probable Cortinarius olidus

                                                                                                                                     The Miller

                                                                                                                              White Dapperling


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