I however have serious doubts as to whether any 'pure' Golden Pheasants now exist at the site and may not have done for many years.
The Israeli birder Yoav Perlman has recently posted a good photo on his blog (click here to view it) which he has labelled as a Golden x Lady Amherst's hybrid. It looks like that may be the case or it could even be a hybrid with Common Pheasant a generation or two down the line. Whatever it is it isn't a pure Golden Pheasant! Or if it is then it's a product of serious inbreeding on a scale normally only seen in Suffolk! The large amount of black around the face, throat and sides of the neck are an immediate giveaway.
Having looked back on the Surfbirds galleries all the photos of 'Golden' Pheasant from the site going right back to 2004 seem to be the same (or very similar) individual showing this black. Recent photos on the RBA galleries are of the same bird.
This all goes to show that any visiting birders need to look carefully at their target bird rather than blindly ticking Golden Pheasant.
Sadly the species has dwindled to next to nothing in Norfolk with even the best previous site at Wayland Wood now having no birds left. Like it's cousin the Lady Amherst's Pheasant I fear it's heading for extinction in the UK.
Dodgy pheasant hybrid, Wolferton (copyright Paul Rowe)