Mycology Workshop, 18 January 2020

The ever helpful guys of the Norfolk Fungus Study Group had arranged a mycology workshop and I was fortunate enough to attend this event today. It was held at Bawdeswell Village Hall and attracted an attendance of c20 people. I found it immensely interesting and a real eye-opener on the use of various techniques to identify fungi. These included the use of chemnicals, microscopy, keys and also useful bits on drying and labelling specimens and recommendations on other resources such as books and the internet. Tony Leech was very helpful giving us newbies and lesson in making slides and using a microscope. We were treated to some amazing microscope views of the spores of Melatiza chateri (a close relative of Orange Cup) which was a new fungus for me.
A huge thanks to Tony, Steve and Yvonne Pinnington, Steve Judd and all the other members who gave us their time and expertise. My credit card may now take a bit of a battering with books and maybe even a microscope!


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