Twitch On! Winterton, 6 October 2024

Belinda and I had planned to go walking at Winterton on Saturday but by the time we got sorted it was a bit too late so we postponed it until Sunday. 

Then, Sunday morning arrives with early news of an Asian Desert Warbler in Winterton North Dunes. When the stars align...!

Parking in East Somerton as we'd originally planned it was a long walk to the bird but these days I'm rather more relaxed about these things so it was a stress-free stroll at the end of which I saw the bird within about a minute! Chatting to a few people I've not seen for a while the bird went on to show superbly as it alternated between 2 clumps of bushes and memorably did a fly-around right up to the observers and back. As our plan was to walk I didn't take my camera so I'm an indebted to Rob Wilton for kind permission to use his excellent shot below. This record is the 2nd for the county and the first since 1993 when I watched a nest-building bird on Blakeney Point. 

After having our fill we continued our walk north and then back via the beach and dunes again. While having lunch I found a couple of nice lichens - Red Pixie Cup, Cladonia ciccifera and Cladonia foliacea and also spotted several Fox Moth caterpillars in the dunes and Sea Rocket on the beach. Several huge Grey Seal bulls were lurking in the surf but there was no sign of any pups yet. 

In East Somerton a Beefsteak Fungus was at the base of the oak known as the Witches Finger inside the ruined church followed by a pleasing find of a vocal Yellow-browed Warbler by the roadside nearby.

Asian Desert Warbler, courtesy of Rob Wilton

                                                                                                                               Fox Moth caterpillar
                                                                                                                                Sea Rocket
                                                                                                                                 Red Pixie Cup
Beefsteak Fungus


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