Cawston and Marsham Heaths, 13 October 2024

After visit Mum we took advantage of being around the north side of Norwich and opted for a walk around Cawston and Marsham Heaths. 

It was pleasing to see that recent rain has meant we finally have some good numbers of fungi popping up. Walking through the horse fields on the south side of Cawston Heath initially I found Nail Fungus, Creamy Pinkgill, Silky Pinkgill, Giant Puffball, Spotted Toughshank, Common Parasols and some interesting pale russulas that I'm still looking into.

Around the fringes of the heath along the edge of the pines False Chanterelles were numerous with Petticoat Brittlestem, Deceiver, Purplepore Bracket and Amythyst Deceiver also seen. 

Then, on a circuit of Marsham Heath (while trying not to stand on the plethora of Dor Beetles on the paths!) I found a single Cep which was duly collected for tea! Some more dark purple russulas were by a pond which I am looking into but near the end of the walk I found a good concentration of goodies including Saffron Milkcap, Frosty Webcap, Pestle Puffball, Ugly Milkcap, Geranium Brittlegill, Hoof Fungus, Blusher and best of all a pristine Jewelled Amaninta

                                                                                                                              Saffron Milkcap
                                                                                                                           Geranium Brittlegill
                                                                                                                             Jewelled Amanita
                                                                                                                                   False Chanterelles
                                                                                                                                 Russula sp
                                                                                                                           Frosty Webcap
                                                                                                                                  Creamy Pinkgill
                                                                                                                               Petticoat Brittlestem
                                                                                                                                 Dor Beetle

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